Tag: wasp

Bee and Wasp Control. Claim Your Discount Today

If a bee, hornet or wasp sets up a nest or hive in your yard where your children play, or near an outdoor eating area where employees eat their lunch, it can be dangerous.   Get rid of bees and wasps before summer sets in:... more
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How To Identify Paper Wasps: Everything You Need To Know

Close-up photo of paper wasp nest with baby wasp larvae within cells. "How to ID: Paper Wasps" [A1 Logo]
Paper wasps are one of the most common types of wasps in North America. They are easily recognized by their long, slender bodies and their wings, which are darker than the rest of their bodies. Paper wasps are also characterized by their long legs, which they use to hang upside down from their... more
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Yellowjacket Wasp Behavior

Yellowjackets, in particular, may be late season pests around picnics, trash cans, and hummingbird feeders as they scavenge. The only way to control this situation is to locate and destroy the nest, which is rarely possible. As an alternative, keep all outdoor food and drinks covered when not... more
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Yellow Jackets Early Fall

Yellow jackets often nest underground in rodent burrows, so if you see lots of flying insects emerging from a hole in the ground, they're probably yellow jackets. By late summer early fall, a colony may contain thousands of individuals that will aggressively defend their nests from intruders.... more
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Which is worse, a hornet or a wasp?

The debate between hornets vs. wasps and which one is worse has been a hot issue for many nature experts and enthusiasts. Some beekeepers argue that both are bad for their bee colonies because they prey on bees and larvae. Not to mention, hornets vs. wasps stings are painful to deal with if you... more
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Quick Tip – How to avoid wasp stings

If a wasp lands on you, don’t flap at it or try to brush it off – it will sting you. Just stay still and let it fly off in its own time. A wasp trapped in clothing is more difficult to deal with because any slight movement can press garments against it. So, if you can bear it, stay very still... more
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What do wasps feed on?

Wasps satisfy their nutritional need for protein by preying on other insects. They feed on a variety of garden pests. The diet of a paper wasp, for instance, includes corn earworms, armyworms, tobacco hornworms, etc., while yellowjackets and bald-faced hornets feed on house flies, blow flies, and... more
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Paper Wasp Threats

While not an aggressive species by nature, paper wasps will sting if they are disturbed or their nest is threatened. It’s unusual for an impregnated paper wasp to sting, but it can happen. By:... more
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Signs of a Wasp Infestation

Paper wasps often build nests in residential yards, so one of the main signs of an infestation is the physical sighting of the nest itself and nearby wasps moving around the nest. The best way to prevent a paper wasp infestation and the potential of getting stung is to make the home less... more
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Wasp are one of the most successful predators on Earth

Wasps may not be as big as lions or bears, but these insects are among the most successful predators on Earth! Different wasps species have different ways of preying on other animals. Some wasps, called parasitoids, lay their eggs in the bodies of live insects (hosts). As the larva grows, it feeds... more
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