Craft this cute bug catcher to corral summer bugs or other creepy crawlers so you can give them a closer look.
What You Need:
• Scissors, ruler
• 6-1/2-inch square of black fiberglass insect screening
• Wire cutters
• 22-gauge lime-green wire
• Empty plastic mayonnaise jar
• Paintbrush
• Acrylic paints: black, orange, yellow
• Wood cutouts: two 1-3/8×2-5/8-inch ovals;
one 1-3/8×2-1/2-inch teardrop
• Brush-on glitter paint: black, orange, yellow
• White crafts glue
• Two 10-millimeter oval wiggle eyes
• Hot-glue gun, glue sticks
1. Cut a 6-1/2-inch-diameter circle from insect screening.
2. Use wire cutters to cut a 24-inch length of wire. Weave the wire through the screening about
1-inch from the edge, making the stitches about 1/2 inch long.
3. Place the screen on top of the jar, and tighten the wire around the jar rim. Twist the wire ends
together to secure. Coil the ends.
4. Paint both sides of the wood ovals black, the rounded third of the teardrop orange, and the
remaining two-thirds of the teardrop yellow to make the lightning bug wings and body. Let dry.
5. Paint one side of all three wood pieces with the corresponding color glitter paint. Let dry.
6. Use crafts glue to attach the wings to the body, glitter sides up. Glue wiggle eyes over the edge of
the orange head. With an adult’s help, hot-glue the lightning bug to the jar’s side.
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