Chomp, chomp, chomp. You would never be able to hear it, but at this very moment thousands of termites could be eating away through your home – unseen and unknown until it’s too late. Termites are known as “silent destroyers” because of their ability to chew through wood, flooring and even wallpaper undetected. As a result of their stealth nature, termites cause $5 billion in property damage each year. Damage, which is typically not covered by homeowners’ insurance.
As the ground warms in spring, termites, much like every insect in nature, begin stirring and coming out of their overwintering spots in search of food. In the case of termites, they are looking for new structures to settle their million member colonies. Before a colony finds an appropriate structure, their search team will investigate available options.
Swarmers are winged young queen and king termites that show up inside homes in early spring and are typically the first sign of a termite problem. Because they can be mistaken for flying ants, many homeowners may dismiss them as such and leave a potential termite infestation untreated. Discarded wings near windowsills and doors signify that swarmers have already found their way in.
By: National Pest Management Association