When homes are infested with mice, humans will often find chewed up wires, books, papers and insulation around their home. Mice aren’t eating these items, they are chewing them into pieces that they can use to make their nests. This is because mice nests are made from whatever the female mouse can find.
At around 4 to seven weeks old, a female mouse will mate and have young. She will carry her young for 19 to 21 days and give birth to four to a dozen babies, according to the University of Florida. Mice can have a new litter of babies every three weeks.
Mice have unusual names. Females are does, males are bucks and babies are called pinkies because of their bright pink color. Baby mice are also called pups.
Pet mice can live up to six years, while wild mice usually only live around 1 to 2.5 years.