Tick bites are usually painless, the ticks are tiny, and consequently many people are unaware that they have been bitten.
Tick Prevention Tips:
- Wear light colored clothing, long sleeves and pants, tuck pants into socks. Long loose hair should be covered, braided or tied when venturing into areas where ticks are apt to be. Spray your clothing, etc.
- When coming in from outside activities where you might have encountered ticks, throw clothing into the dryer set on high heat. This will ensure no ticks survive on your clothing. Remember to do a tick check, take a shower and wash your hair.
- Keep pets that have outside exposure off furniture especially bedding.
- Make certain that you have very fine pointed tweezers available.
Tick Checks:
- Thorough tick checks should be done, daily or when coming in after outside activities when temperatures are warm and you have been in areas that you may have encountered ticks. Check dark, moist areas: hair, cracks behind ears, knees, elbows, underarms, crotch etc.
- Check your pets for ticks when they come into the house.
- Wear light colored clothing, long sleeves and pants, tuck pants into socks. Long loose hair should be covered, braided or tied when venturing into areas where ticks are apt to be. Spray your clothing, etc.
Tick Removal:
Ticks should be removed promptly. The longer it is attached the higher the chance of disease transmission. Remove it carefully to prevent disease transmission:
Using fine pointed tweezers, grasp the tick as close to the skin as possible without squeezing the tick’s body.
Firmly pull it straight out (expect to feel some resistance).
NEVER: squeeze the tick, burn it, or cover it with Vaseline or any other substance.
Remember to disinfect the site of the bite, wash your hands and disinfect your tweezers.
Contact your doctor.