Prepare Your Home For The Fall

Fall is just around the corner now, beautiful weather, glorious colored leaves, fairs and festivals, you can just smell it in the air, and just as you are preparing for your fall activities, the bug are preparing for the cold season. Because we have had such an early spring and summer with exceptionally hot weather lots of insects such as, flies, ants and mosquitoes have had some of the best breeding conditions so we now have more pests and where are they going ??  Your home, without even knowing it you will soon be sharing your home with unwanted visitors, and they are not the two-legged kind of visitors. From ants and spiders to squirrels and mice, every pest and rodent will be looking for a home before the 1st frost.
One thing to do to prepare your home for the fall and protect it from a pest invasion is fall cleaning, just like you would spring cleaning, clean everything to prepare for the colder months. Give your home a deep clean from top to bottom, attics to basements, go through all boxes and closets, fix all holes in the walls and window screens, restore leaking pipes and clogged drains that are perfect for pests to make a home. Make sure your fireplaces openings are working properly and the screen vents are not damaged and keep all firewood at least 20 feet away from the house. Remove trash daily with heavy-duty trash bags tied properly placed in garbage barrels with tightly closed lids.
You should also clean up the front and back garden to prevent pests from making your flowers and bushes their winter home. Before the cold weather comes in you want to clean your lawn the way you would clean your home, mow, rake, pick up all trash, inspect your trash barrels to make sure there are no holes, wrap up your water hoses and make sure the water is off.
If you want to be extra sure there are no pests lying around your home this fall give A1 Exterminators a call today at 1-800-525-4825 and we can help you find a pest control solution that will best suit your needs!

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