Greenhead Horse Fly

Greenhead Horse Fly: The Notorious Beach Day Destroyer
If you have ever spent a summer day on the beaches of Northeast Massachusetts or Southern New Hampshire, chances are you have had an unfortunate encounter with the Greenhead Horse Fly, also known as the salt marsh greenhead, or simply the greenhead fly. These pesky insects are commonly found around coastal marshes of the Eastern United States, and their painful bites can quickly ruin a fun day at the beach.
The Greenhead Horse Fly, scientifically known as tabanus nigrovittatus, is a species of biting horse-flies. The females are the biggest pests, as they seek a source of blood protein to produce additional eggs. The bites of these flies are known to be extremely painful, and can cause severe allergic reactions in some people.
The Greenhead Horse Fly prefers dry and hot conditions with full sun. This is why Northeast Massachusetts and Southern New Hampshire coastal areas get hit hard in the summer months. The females live for 3 to 4 weeks and they may lay approximately 100 to 200 eggs per blood meal. This makes humans and animals alike vulnerable targets.
Risks and Prevention
These flies are not only a nuisance for humans, but also a major problem for livestock and other animals in the area. Moreover, the bites can cause significant pain and discomfort, and can also lead to secondary infections and other health issues.
Unfortunately, there is no foolproof way to completely avoid these persistent insects. But, there are some measures you can take to reduce the chances of being bitten. One of the most effective methods is to use insect repellent with DEET, picaridin, or IR3535. Furthermore, wearing long-sleeved shirts and pants, especially in lighter colors, can also help reduce the chances of being bitten.
The Greenhead Horse Fly is a notorious beach day destroyer. It can quickly ruin a fun day in the sun. These biting insects are a major problem for humans, animals, and livestock in the coastal marshes of the Eastern United States. There are some measures you can take to reduce the chances of being bitten. However, it’s best to be prepared and cautious when spending time outdoors in areas where these pesky insects are prevalent. We hope being aware of Greenhead Horse Flies can help you enjoy your outdoor activities with greater peace of mind.