Pest Prevention Tips for Your Business

Prevention is critical in protecting you business from a pest infestation. Below are just a few pest prevention tips that your commercial business can employ to avoid bug and insect infestations and the potential health and property threats that pests and rodents can pose.

  • “Pest-proof” your business by being vigilant of building maintenance needs
  • Dispose of garbage regularly and store in sealed containers.
  • Seal cracks and holes on the outside of your business, including entry points for utilities and pipes.
  • Don’t overlook proper drainage at the foundation; install gutters or diverts, which will channel water away from the building.
  • Be sure your employees keep food sealed and stored properly.
  • Clean high-volume areas daily, such as public eating areas and kitchenettes, where crumbs and trash are more likely to build up.
  • Call a local pest control professional to inspect for pests and rodents, identify the problem and control the pest(s) using an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach.

Information regarding regional pests, pest management issues and additional commercial pest prevention tips are available at

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