How to Properly Remove a Tick

PART III: Tick Bite Prevention Week

Discovering a tick on yourself or your pet can be unsettling, but swift and proper removal is key to preventing potential infections.

Here’s a step-by-step guide:

#1: Gently expose the skin near the bite by pulling back any hair around the tick.

#2: Using fine-tipped tweezers, grasp the tick’s head as close to the skin as possible. Avoid squeezing the body to minimize the risk of injecting the tick’s blood into the skin.

#3: Pull outward in a straight motion until the head releases from the skin. Avoid twisting or wiggling, which could leave the head lodged in the skin.

#4: After removal, cleanse the bite area and your hands with soap and water. Dispose of the tick by flushing it down the toilet or wrapping it tightly in tissue before placing it in a closed receptacle.

Remember: If you develop a rash or fever within weeks of tick removal, seek medical attention. Inform your doctor about the tick bite to ensure proper evaluation and care.

Additionally, A1 Exterminator offers an effective solution with their Ultimate Mosquito and Tick Treatment. This treatment provides comprehensive protection against ticks and mosquitoes, reducing the risk of bites and potential diseases. For more information on A1 Exterminator’s Ultimate Mosquito and Tick Treatment, click here.

Ready to Eliminate Ticks?

Take Back Your Yard

Not Sure if it's Ticks?

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