Firefly Light Up Bugs

Summer is on its way and it’s a time of backyard BBQs and enjoying the outdoors and Fire Fly Craftthe night-time weather. One of the best parts of summer is hanging out in the backyard and watching the fireflies zip around and lite up the sky. Kids can spend hours outside trying to catch fireflies in a jar.
You and your kids can also make these awesome light up firefly bugs for an easy kids’ craft! Using Easter eggs as the body, just add wings cut out from duck tape; eyes drawn on to sticker labels or on the egg itself; and pipe cleaner feet and antennae poked into the eggs. You can add a small LED light, or even a glow stick bracelet, inside to make them glow like a real firefly!
This adorable firefly bug craft is simple and quick. You can even hide them around the backyard as part of an awesome night-time Easter egg hunt!

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