Bed Bugs Like to Travel

Family and friends have either come to visit you or you have gone to visit them this winter.  You are either unpacking or getting your guest room back in order and you discover what look like bed bugs. Could it be that your guests brought unwanted pests or you brought them home? Unfortunately, yes it can be just that.
The bed-bug epidemic continues across the country and travelers can be unintentional culprits of bringing bed bugs.29828_a1_bed_bugs_2f-249x300
Bed bugs are very small, the size of an apple seed, and they are used to hiding. Check in crevices, folds of materials and between cushions. They crawl out to feed on human blood, usually at night, and leave small bites. Many people with an infestation report that they found them by finding deposits that resemble small drops of blood in bedding. You may also find a rash after having been bit.
When you find these pests, it’s important to treat the problem right away and the right way. Don’t try homemade pest controls for bed bugs. Household sprays or grocery store remedies are not going to help, bed bugs can be tough to treat. You need to treat all of the bedding, clothing and other items that may have come in contact with the bed bugs.
When guests stay with you, it’s a good idea to do a quick review of the bedding and mattresses after a visit. As well as when you stay with a friend or family member, discreetly check the room where you will be staying. A couple extra minutes can save you some trouble in the long run.

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