Beaver Control

Beaver control and nuisance animals found in Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Southern Maine.

Beavers are most commonly found on properties that are near a body of fresh water. Their teeth never stop growing, so they spend most of their time chewing trees. Beavers are nocturnal and can live up to 24 years. Beavers are known for their dome like homes that they build out of wood and mud.

Beaver Control A1 Exterminators

The semi-aquatic rodents usually weigh 35 to 50 pounds, but some adult beavers have been recorded that weigh  over 100 pounds.

Damage that can be caused by beaver includes trees falling and flooding from the dams they build. In an effort to prevent tree cutting, it is possible to wrap trees at the base with wire fencing. The beavers will realize they can’t get to the tree and will eventually move on.  There are many different ways to prevent flooding through piping and fencing, but these are techniques are very difficult and expensive to get them done professionally.  When trapped, beavers will modify their behavior to evade threats.  Trapping and trying to relocated a beaver on your on can be dangerous.

Contact A1 Exterminators at (800) 525-4825 to have a trained and licensed professional trap and remove the animals.