A proper inspection will help you determine the most heavily infested areas as well as the nest location. Before applying treatment you will have to know where they are coming from. In this step, you will be searching for ant activity and tell-tale signs of ant activity as well as potential entry points.
Where to Inspect
Indoors you will focus your search on bathrooms, kitchens, attics, and basements. In the kitchen, look around and under sinks, stoves, around the pantry and food supplies, around windows and doors, and close to appliances that generate moisture, such as dishwashers. In the bathroom inspect the sink where plumbing penetrates the walls, behind and under toilets, and around the shower or bathtub.
Outdoors look for ants in flower beds, yard debris, rotten logs, pavement, near and around trees, leaf litter, under rocks, and exposed soil. Inspect close to the structure for any possible points of entry like cracks and crevices, weep holes, and especially vegetation that touches the foundation of your structure.
What to Look For
Indoors you’re looking for areas prone to ant activity close to food supplies, you might also find the ants themselves and their foraging trails which can lead you to the entry point they are emerging from.
Outdoors you’re also looking for the ants themselves, their foraging trails, and ant mounds, which will lead you to the areas where you want to concentrate your treatment.